CQL's Personal Outcome Measures® have been a hallmark of our work for the last 20 years and have been a powerful data set for the valid and reliable measurement of individual quality of life.

Instead of looking at the quality of how the services are being delivered, the Personal OutcomeMeasures® approach looks at whether the services and supports are having the desired results or outcomes that matter to the person.

Each of the three words in Personal Outcome Measures® shows how this approach is different

  1. They're PERSONAL
  2. What we do is determined by each person for him/herself. Each person's assessment for quality of life is unique to him or her. The definitions for quality of life are set by the person, with the help of people who care about him/her and know him/her very well.

  3. They're OUTCOME Based
  4. How we work is guided by what's happening in the person's life - so that the individual is experiencing real outcomes related to the personal expectations for quality that he/she has defined.

  5. They're MEASURED Differently
  6. We can't look at personal outcomes without measuring quality differently. Traditional systems measure how services are delivered or what the organization does. CQL's approach to measurement looks at personal quality of life and addresses questions of priority and relevance for the person, based individual life priorities.


  • A powerful tool for evaluating personal quality of life and the degree to which organizations
  • individualize supports to facilitate outcomes.
  • A way for organizations to redefine their role in the lives of the people they support.
  • A conversation with people receiving supports is the most powerful source of knowledge and understanding when it comes to defining excellence and person-centeredness.

  • CQL's Personal Outcome Measures® form the foundation for organizational quality enhancement.
  • CQL is committed to helping your organization's leadership, management, and staff use personcentered
  • principles and proven strategies in all aspects of your service delivery.
  • We start with the belief that knowledge about people is the foundation for delivering quality. With a clear understanding of what people want and need from the services and supports they receive- their Personal Outcomes- staff can marshal the organization's resources toward that end.
  • Personal Outcome Measures® help you learn about people's personal definition of quality of life and gather information about the person's priorities and preferences in order to support their personal outcomes. Personal Outcome Measures®:

  • Offer the best tool for evaluating personal quality of life and quality of services
  • Put listening to and learning about the person at the center of your work
  • Guide the delivery of individualized supports based on people's priorities
  • Help you focus your limited resources and organizational energy on what really matters
  • Provide data and analysis for evidence-based practice
  • Demonstrate the link between person-centered/recovery-based services, quality of life and cost effectiveness

Ready to learn more?

Personal Outcome Measures® online training courses

Personal Outcome Measures® online training packages

Additional Personal Outcome Measures® Resources

CQL Focus Forum Consultation

Guide to Person-centered Excellence

Person-centered Accreditation

Certifications and Trainings and Customized Consultation

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